CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; ALVES, Rafael Ribeiro Urano; PACHECO, Mayara Stecanella; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Study of the galvanic potential of zinc and steel to elucidate galvanized steel and dual-coated (zinc/epoxy) rebar potentials in concrete structures. In: NACE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONFERENCE, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee/EUA. Proceedings… 15 p.
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CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; ALVES, Rafael Ribeiro Urano; PACHECO, Mayara Stecanella; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Study of the galvanic potential of zinc and steel to elucidate galvanized steel and dual-coated (zinc/epoxy) rebar potentials in concrete structures. In: NACE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONFERENCE, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee/EUA. Proceedings… 15 p.
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