This paper evaluates the performance and durability of slag-cement concretes produced with different modified steel slags. Cements and concrete were characterized after addition of slags in Ordinary Portland cement. Chemical analysis, mineralogical, hydration an physical-mechanical characterization were shown in two papers published in the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (2015). The performance and durability of cements and concretes were analyzed by several tests, including: -Freshly Mixed Concrete Properties: consistence (by Slump loss test), Setting time by Penetration Resistance , and Volume of bleeding water; Hardened Concrete Properties: Compressive strength, carbonation resistance, Water permeability and absorption, Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, Rapid chloride permeability, Density, Absorption, Void Index and SEM analysis. Results shows that performance and durability of concretes were satisfactory when compared with normal slag Portland cement and indicate the application viability as supplementary cement material.
CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos; LEAL, Priscila Rodrigues Melo; ALMEIDA, Fernando C.R. Modified oxygen steelmaking slag to produce cements: performance and durability of cements and concretes. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTTRY CEMENT, 15., 2019, Prague. Proceeding… 11 p.
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This paper evaluates the performance and durability of slag-cement concretes produced with different modified steel slags. Cements and concrete were characterized after addition of slags in Ordinary Portland cement. Chemical analysis, mineralogical, hydration an physical-mechanical characterization were shown in two papers published in the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (2015). The performance and durability of cements and concretes were analyzed by several tests, including: -Freshly Mixed Concrete Properties: consistence (by Slump loss test), Setting time by Penetration Resistance , and Volume of bleeding water; Hardened Concrete Properties: Compressive strength, carbonation resistance, Water permeability and absorption, Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, Rapid chloride permeability, Density, Absorption, Void Index and SEM analysis. Results shows that performance and durability of concretes were satisfactory when compared with normal slag Portland cement and indicate the application viability as supplementary cement material.
CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos; LEAL, Priscila Rodrigues Melo; ALMEIDA, Fernando C.R. Modified oxygen steelmaking slag to produce cements: performance and durability of cements and concretes. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTTRY CEMENT, 15., 2019, Prague. Proceeding… 11 p.
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