Projeto de ligas para ferramentas de conformação a quente


An on-going four years project funded by BNDES and Gerdau and conducted by IPT, EPUSP and Gerdau is described. The objective of the project is to develop the modeling of hot working tools progressive demage based on physical and mechanical properties of the nicro-constituents of the tool material, thus allowing to design materials with “engineered microstructure” for high performance hot working tools. Rolling mill roll, forgingdie and die-casting die were selected as the not working tools to be studied. Modeling will mirror the behavior of the tool material when submitted to macroscopic and microscopic thermomechanical and trybological loads resulting from the hot working processes


BOCCALINI JR., Mário; SOUZA, Roberto Martins de ; MACHADO, Izabel Fernanda ; Ana Paola Villalva BRAGA; Rodrigo Lima STOETERAU; Moreira, Marcelo Ferrreira . Projeto de ligas para ferramentas de conformação a quente. In: ENCONTRO DE CADEIA DE FERRAMENTAS, MOLDES E MATRIZES, 10., 2012, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABM, 2012. p.41-51.

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