Comparative evaluation of electrical resistance probes (SRE) using dynamic tests


The main goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of seven electrical resistance probes (ER) of different models and manufacturers, using an experimental apparatus that allows the flow of fluids in a closed circuit called "corrosion loop". The ER probe has a metallic element that is exposed to the medium and, at regular intervals, a fixed current is imposed and the resistance to its passage is recorded. As the metallic element loses mass, the area available for the current’s passage decreases and so the resistance to its passage increases. This increase is directly converted into a reduction of the cross section caused by corrosion. Thus, with the resistance variation is possible to predict the mass loss and the corrosion rate. The great advantage of using ER probes, compared to mass loss coupons, is the possibility of monitoring the corrosion rates evolution in real time, correlating them to operational routines. As a performance comparison pattern was used the gravimetric method. As secondary goal we had the objective to verify the effect of a curved section on the corrosion rate.

MOREIRA, Anna Ramus; SILVA, Victor Gomes; CHAVES, Luis Fernando Fiuza; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; MAGALHÃES, Álvaro Augusto Oliveira. Comparative evaluation of electrical resistance probes (SRE) using dynamic tests. In: INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONGRESS, 21., AND THE INTERNATIONAL CORROSION MEETING, 8., 2021, São Paulo. (on-line) Proceedings… 6p.

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