A new modular suspension system for aeroelastic studies in wind tunnels is presented. Although it was initially designed for sectional bridge tests, the whole system proved to be versatile and therefore useful for many investigations concerning aeroelastic phenomena. The structure was made of commercial aluminum beams in order to be easily adaptable for different configurations. In-house designed air bearings were machined and tested to verify their load capacities. The translational system was tested, resulting in 0,2% damping ratios up to 40 N of radial load on the bearing. The substitution of the rotational air bearings for low damping ball bearings might be necessary when dealing with larger and heavier models. The alignment of the air bearings proved to be a challenge as a consequence of the tight tolerances required.
MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; ASSI, Gustavo Roque da Silva. Design of a modular suspension rig for aeroelastic studies in a wind tunnel. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING -COBEM, 24th., 2017, Curitiba. Anais… 8 p.
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A new modular suspension system for aeroelastic studies in wind tunnels is presented. Although it was initially designed for sectional bridge tests, the whole system proved to be versatile and therefore useful for many investigations concerning aeroelastic phenomena. The structure was made of commercial aluminum beams in order to be easily adaptable for different configurations. In-house designed air bearings were machined and tested to verify their load capacities. The translational system was tested, resulting in 0,2% damping ratios up to 40 N of radial load on the bearing. The substitution of the rotational air bearings for low damping ball bearings might be necessary when dealing with larger and heavier models. The alignment of the air bearings proved to be a challenge as a consequence of the tight tolerances required.
MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; ASSI, Gustavo Roque da Silva. Design of a modular suspension rig for aeroelastic studies in a wind tunnel. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING -COBEM, 24th., 2017, Curitiba. Anais… 8 p.
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