This paper presents the development of three reference materials of Brazilian natural waters: one groundwater for human consumption, on surface water and one estuarine water. Materials were collected in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-four chemical elements were determined by the techniques: ICP-MS, ICP-OES, F-AAS, IC, and GF-AAS.
ZUCCHINI, Ricardo Rezende; HAMA, Patricia. Desenvolvimento de materiais de referência certificados de águas naturais brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE REDE DE SANEAMENTO E ABASTECIMENTO DE ÁGUAS – RESAG, 3., 2017, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 15 p.
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This paper presents the development of three reference materials of Brazilian natural waters: one groundwater for human consumption, on surface water and one estuarine water. Materials were collected in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-four chemical elements were determined by the techniques: ICP-MS, ICP-OES, F-AAS, IC, and GF-AAS.
ZUCCHINI, Ricardo Rezende; HAMA, Patricia. Desenvolvimento de materiais de referência certificados de águas naturais brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE REDE DE SANEAMENTO E ABASTECIMENTO DE ÁGUAS – RESAG, 3., 2017, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 15 p.
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