MASCHIO, Carolina P.; TAKANO, Cyro; MOURÃO, Marcelo B.; RIBEIRO, Tiago R.; MORAES, Sandra Lucia de. Exploring the new concept of semi-reducing agglomerate: preliminar results. In: JAPAN-BRAZIL SYMPOSIUM ON DUST PROCESSING – ENERGY – ENVIRONMENT IN METALLURGICAL INDUSTRIES, 7., 2018, Sendai. Proceedings… 3p.
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MASCHIO, Carolina P.; TAKANO, Cyro; MOURÃO, Marcelo B.; RIBEIRO, Tiago R.; MORAES, Sandra Lucia de. Exploring the new concept of semi-reducing agglomerate: preliminar results. In: JAPAN-BRAZIL SYMPOSIUM ON DUST PROCESSING – ENERGY – ENVIRONMENT IN METALLURGICAL INDUSTRIES, 7., 2018, Sendai. Proceedings… 3p.
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