Sustainability economics


 Modern consumers evaluate several food products’ attributes before purchasing: price, quality, freshness, taste, practicality and nutritional contents are analyzed in order to provide maximum benefits at reasonable expenditure. Wider spread and easier access to health and food security information brought to consumers new parameters that help rearrange their structures of preferences. New information strategies privilege the use of quality signals, such as labeling, traceability, certification, brand names and adoption of minimum quality standards. The new information strategies recently emerged in response to new behavioral characteristics of the consumer and new competition characteristics of the food market. The main feature of Brazilian fresh markets is the lack of minimum standards and very strong information asymmetries. Consequently, endogenous and exogenous uncertainties are high. The market for fresh food is directed affected by the indiscriminate use of pesticides. The analysis of information gathered by the Program for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Food (PARA) found a very worrying situation in Brazil. In this sense, this paper aim to bring more information about the pesticides contamination in the fresh food markets in Brazil. Transaction Cost Economics is adopted as a theoretical framework to examine the coordination among the agents on the chain and seek sustainable alternatives to reduce the excessive use of pesticides in food production.

MACHADO, Eduardo Luiz; SANTOS, Priscila Cristini dos. Economia da sustentabilidade. In: CICLO DE DEBATES EM ECONOMIA INDUSTRIAL, TRABALHO E TECNOLOGIA, 14., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: PUC, 2016. p. 114-124.

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