The traditional monitoring of air quality uses fixed stations that promote a low spatial resolution, as well as presenting significant structural asymmetries in the coverage of Brazilian metropolitan regions. The opportunity arises to equip public buses with wireless sensor networks that evaluate the air quality during its journey. New ways of performing spatiotemporal analyzes by cartographic models created with data of mobile sensors, promoting a resolution greater than the traditional monitoring.
SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; FACCINI, Luiz Gustavo; MARTE, Claudio Luiz; CINTRA, Jorge Pimentel. Emprego de componentes móveis de IoT para análises espaçotemporais de alta resolução para avaliar a qualidade do ar em cidades médias brasileiras. In: WORKSHOP DE COMPUTAÇÃO, CoUrb’18, 2., 2018, Campos do Jordão. Anais… 14 p.
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The traditional monitoring of air quality uses fixed stations that promote a low spatial resolution, as well as presenting significant structural asymmetries in the coverage of Brazilian metropolitan regions. The opportunity arises to equip public buses with wireless sensor networks that evaluate the air quality during its journey. New ways of performing spatiotemporal analyzes by cartographic models created with data of mobile sensors, promoting a resolution greater than the traditional monitoring.
SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; FACCINI, Luiz Gustavo; MARTE, Claudio Luiz; CINTRA, Jorge Pimentel. Emprego de componentes móveis de IoT para análises espaçotemporais de alta resolução para avaliar a qualidade do ar em cidades médias brasileiras. In: WORKSHOP DE COMPUTAÇÃO, CoUrb’18, 2., 2018, Campos do Jordão. Anais… 14 p.
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