This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between vehicle velocity and the recognition of the vehicle license plate, an important feature of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Some data obtained during field tests conducted with traffic enforcement systems are analyzed. The results suggest small behavioral tendencies and show a reduced influence of speed on them, reinforcing analysis already conducted by some of the authors on the multitude of variables that can influence the results obtained with those type of equipment and systems.
BERNARDI, Ely; MARTE, Cláudio Luiz; CAVALCANTE, Douglas Bellomo; DOZZI, Lucia de Fátima Silveira; YOSHIOKA, Leopoldo Rideki. Uma análise da relação entre a velocidade e o reconhecimento automático de placas de veículos. In: CONGRESSO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM TRANSPORTES, 30., 2016, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 12 p.