Feasibility study for detecting shaççow landslides using IoT devices in smart cities


Inertial sensors are considered a new strategy to assess the slope movement prior to landslides in risk areas. It is a challenge to understand limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of the signals analysis from inertial sensors embedded in loT devices for monitoring this phenomenon. Landslides can take a long time to collapse completely, and collecting data in real situations can imply a long-term collection, with no guarantees of recording the phenomenon. Promoting accelerated experiments can be an alternative for evaluating algorithms to detect soil movement. Therefore, this paper presents the results of two experiments performed for data collection by inertial sensors deployed in sandy soil in a dump truck. The signals were collected during sand unloading to evaluate the performance of the loT devices in events similar to a landslide phenomenon.

SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; ALMEIDA, Rynaldo Zanotele Hemerly de; NODA, Mauro Kendi; GONÇALES, Ícaro; RIBEIRO, Rodrigo Neves; MACHADO, Cezar de Oliveira; POLKORNY, Matheus; OTERO, Malena D’Elia; ABREU, Ana Elisa S.; AZEVEDO , Caio; SPINOLA, Mauro. Feasibility study for detecting shaççow landslides using IoT devices in smart cities. In: IEE INTERNATIONAL SMART CITIES CONFERENCE, ISC2, 7., 7-10 Sept., 2021, virtual. Proceeding … 6 p.  

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