Implementation analysis of risk-based inspection methodology in static equipment for a chemical plant


The inspection of static equipment has been gaining prominence in the national and international industrial scene. With the objective of guaranteeing the physical integrity of the assets, reducing the risk of incidents and accidents that can lead to financial losses, and of lives due to failures in the management and control of integrity/corrosion. In Brazil, the regulatory standard NR-13 (MT, 2017) defines the frequency of inspection of static pressurized equipment, but it does not address issues such as risk management of equipment. The study applies the risk-based inspection methodology (IBR) based on the API-580 standard (AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (a), 2016), in a complementary way to NR-13, and corporate inspection standards for equipment not covered by NR-13. Assessing the level of risk to which the equipment is susceptible and verifying their inspection strategies according to the potential mechanisms of damage to which they are susceptible. In the study, five pieces of equipment were selected, among vessels, tanks, and piping. The methodology evaluated the consequences that failure can have on workers, society, and the environment, as well as the economic consequences resulting from an unscheduled operational shutdown of the processing unit. As a result, it was concluded that pressure vessels should follow the inspection frequency already defined by NR13, but with the update of the scope of inspection techniques, more adherent to the detection of the mechanisms of susceptible damage. The atmospheric tanks and the piping had different risk classifications, with the possibility of modifying the inspection strategy more adherent to the damage mechanisms and an increase in the inspection intervals of at least 25% when compared to those practiced before the analysis.

DEL DUCA, Vitor; DERENZO, Silas. Análise da implementação da metodologia de inspeção baseada em risco em equipamentos estáticos em uma planta química. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4, n.15, p.2-30, dez., 2020.

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