Post ocupancy evaluation for classroom acoustics: case study in technical schools of São Paulo State


This work aimed at the Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of public technical schools in the city of São Paulo, related to the acoustical comfort of the occupants. Three technical schools with different architectural projects were analyzed. The research was developed using four complementary methods: project analysis; inspections in loco of school buildings; POE questionnaires applied to students, teachers and school unit managers; and measurements of acoustic parameters, with emphasis on the sound pressure level in indoor environments, background noise and reverberation time in classrooms. The results obtained indicate that technical schools do not meet the standards of acoustic comfort provided in the standards and recommendations of specialists. In general, users (principals, teachers and students) are not satisfied with the acoustic comfort of schools.

PAULA, Lúcio Paulo de; AKUTSU, Maria; PIRES, Henrique Lima. Avaliação pós-ocupação para acústica de salas de aula: estudo de caso em escolas técnicas do Estado de São Paulo. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4, n.15, p.95-116, dez., 2020.

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