Habitações populares: como os moradores convivem com a ausência de conceitos sustentáveis


Governments often invest in affordable housing to improve living conditions for poorer citizens. In Brazil however, it is common for people living in these housing projects to complain about poor lighting and ventilation and its hazardous effects such as mold. To confirm and evaluate these conditions, a field survey was conducted in the Monteiro housing project, located in Cidade Tiradentes neighborhood in São Paulo-SP. This housing project is composed of 12 separate buildings with a total of 576 apartments. Six apartments in each of four buildings were surveyed, comprising 8 apartments in the first floor, 4 in the second, 4 in the third and 8 apartments in the fourth floor. The buildings surveyed were chosen to include buildings poorly and well positioned with respect to natural lighting (the sun usually faces north) and preferential wind in São Paulo (south and southeast winds). Apartments in upper floors were considered to be well lit with good natural ventilation. On first floor apartments, on the other hand, the opposite was observed and forced ventilation and artificial lighting are necessary even during the day, which implies unnecessary waste of energy. While the design of the buildings did use sustainability guidelines, the first floor residents do not enjoy its advantages.

MACENA, Suelem Maurício Fontes; OBATA, Sasquia Hizuru; MOURA, Daniel de Andrade; NADAER, Gilder. Habitações populares: como os moradores convivem com a ausência de conceitos sustentáveis. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 1., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… 20 p.

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