Brazil´s experience and lessons from regulatory overlaps: banking and telecomunications cases


The main goal of this paper is to devise an effective mechanism to clearly demarcate the jurisdiction of the regulatory bodies, specifically between competition authority and sectors regulators. This paper is divided into four sections. The first section emphasizes the Brazilian economic history by exposing some main structural changes in the economic and political setting from 1990’s to today. Section 2 there will be an overview of the Brazilian both competition authorities and regulatory agencies. This section provides a brief summary of both telecommunications and banking sectors and its corresponding regulatory agencies, respectively Brazilian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANATEL) and Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN). The purpose of section 3 is to investigate the historical conflicts between the sector regulators (SRs) and competition authority (CA). Section 4 summarizes the main results and presentssome comments about conflits resolution.


MACHADO, Eduardo Luiz. Brazil´s experience and lessons from regulatory overlaps: banking and telecomunications cases. In: CONGRESSO DE GESTÃO E POLÍTICA PÚBLICA, 1., 2015, Osasco. Anais… 20 p.

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