Estradas tropeiras e fazendas históricas: o patrimônio cultural como nova vocação econômica para o Vale do Paraíba histórico


The old farms that survived the end of the outbreak of the coffee served in the Paraíba Valley stopping the drovers and travelers. The Historic Valley region, located along the current SP 068 – Highway of Drovers – still preserving their farms in the history of coffee, which made the cities of Silveiras, Queluz, Areias, São José do Barreiro, Arapeí and Bananal until the first half of the nineteenth century, driving the development of Brazil. This article proposes the tipping paradoxically seen as a possible factor of destruction as a means of obtaining funds for restoration and maintenance of historic farms, enabling its conversion into economically hosting, retrieving their meanings and significance and providing the rebirth of those cities and the construction of the identity of its inhabitants – the development of a new economic vocation to the region, leaving history Monteiro Lobato in his book" Cidades Mortas", "There was everything, nothing is. Not combined: the present tense. Everything is past tense "(Lobato, 1984:3).


FRANCO, Elizeu Marco; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. Estradas tropeiras e fazendas históricas: o patrimônio cultural como nova vocação econômica para o Vale do Paraíba histórico. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO CENTRO DE MEMÓRIA UNICAMP: MEMÓRIA, CIDADE E EDUCAÇÃO DAS SENSIBILIDADES, 7., 2011, Campinas. Anais…. 12 p.

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