Strategies for innovations in tests, measurements and calibrations at IPT


In the 2015 cycle of IPT´s 2014-2018 Strategic Planning, the Group for Test Innovations tried to identify critical factors which induce the creation and the supply of Tests, Measurements and Calibrations effective and economical way. Initially, a conceptual analysis was carried out and, subsequently, there were several interactions with researchers and technicians of the Institute by means of the research / action methodology, collecting experiences and perceptions relating to activities in the laboratories. As a result, five critical factors were identified and thus strategies were proposed for each case. Brazilian situation, making it clear that more studies be done in noncontaminated areas and using standardized methodologies.

D’ELIA, Marco Antonio Grecco; LOSANO, Aluisio Savio Nieto; SALUSTIANO, Cristiane; VIEIRA, Cristina Rodrigues de Borba; TANAKA, Edmar Rinaldo; GALVÃO, Luciana dos Santos; LOPES, Luiz Eduardo; PARRA, Rogério; GAVA, Vagner Luiz. Estratégias para inovação em ensaios, medição e calibrações no IPT. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.1, n.3, p. 74-87, dez., 2016.

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