The galvanized carbon steel reinforcement is a recognized technique to protect concrete structures against premature degradation. Outside this technique is specially applied to secure and/or extend the life of great responsibility structures and/or maintenance restrictions. In Brazil, this technique is still very little known although there some field cases, The NBR 6118 provides in Section 77 that galvanization is one of the special measures to protection and conservation of concrete structures in adverse conditions of exposure, common in marine and industrial environment. The reinforcement galvanization results in a coating that acts as barriers protection of carbon steel and as a galvanic protection being consumed preferably compared to carbon steel. Furthermore, the zinc corrosion products can fulfill the porous structure of the concrete reducing its permeability. In this article is intended to present some data and preliminary considerations on the protection of reinforcement with zinc coating, with reference to the existing literature on the subject, in particular foreign techniques and international
ARAUJO, Adriana; SILVA SOBRINHO, Paulo; PANOSSIAN, Zehbourn. Estruturas zincadas por imersão a quente em concreto armado. Corrosão e Proteção, v.12, n.55, p. 18-24, fev./mar., 2015
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ARAUJO, Adriana; SILVA SOBRINHO, Paulo; PANOSSIAN, Zehbourn. Estruturas zincadas por imersão a quente em concreto armado. Corrosão e Proteção, v.12, n.55, p. 18-24, fev./mar., 2015
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