Study of electrochemical performance of ordinary black and stainless steel reinforcing bars in chloride contaminated concrete


The subject of this work is an evaluation of electrochemical performance of ordinary black and AISI 316L stainless steel rebars in chloride contaminated concretes, by means of analysis of corrosion potential data and potentiodynamic curves. The bars are in a different tensile conditions: relaxed and tensioned. The compilation of common potential data of the reinforcement in several chloride contents is very important for estimation of the thermodynamic conditions. The establishment of an order of greatness of the corrosion rates of the reinforcements in several chloride contents is very important step for the service life prediction of the concrete reinforced structures. The results of this investigation confirm the best performance of stainless steel rebars in chloride contaminated concretes, with relative little corrosion rates. Tensioned condition harms the electrochemical behavior of both steels.

TULA.L,HELENE, P.PANOSSIAN Z, Study of electrochemical performance of ordinary black and stainless steel reinforcing bars in chloride contaminated concrete. In: NACE CORRORION 99, COLOQUIO NACIONAL DE CORROSÃO ATMOSFERICA, 3, 1999, São Paulo. Proceedings… p. 485-500. (IPT Pub 2672)

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