Why is so important to work with bathymetry and side scan sonar and/or backscatter acoustic data simultaneously?


It is remarkable interesting the possibility to use multi acoustic approach for shallow water geophysical investigation projects. Sometimes one seismic source is not enough for getting the best solution for project demands. Even in cases when the target is only the morphology of the bottom surface, the possibility of watch the bottom from the perspective of bathymetry, side scan sonar and/or backscatter acoustic data together is always welcome. The technology is quickly running towards this direction, allowing the researchers to combine several acoustic tools in a simultaneous data field acquisition procedure. This article discusses the approach of morphological investigation of bottom surfaces in shallow water investigation projects.

SOUZA, Luiz Antonio Pereira de. Why is so important to work with bathymetry and side scan sonar and/or backscatter acoustic data simultaneously? In: INTERNATIOAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 17., 2021. Proceedings on-line… 3p.

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