This paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of impact sound pressure level measurements on floors (L ’nT,w), using the procedures of the ISO 140-7 and the ISO 1052 standards. The measured reverberation index (using ISO 140-7) and the corresponding tabular value (using ISO 10052) were compared and the effect on the performance parameter of any difference analyzed. In most of the cases studied, the simplified method tended to overestimate the acoustic performance in relation to the engineering method, this being the result of higher values of the standardized reverberation index than of the measured index. The reverberation index values the ISO 10052 are for buildings in Europe, obtained between 1960, and 1980, and apparently do not adequately represent the characteristics of typical buildings in Brazil. For a future revision of the NBR 15575, it is suggested either that further studies should be made to develop a more appropriate standardized reverberation index for building systems in Brazil or that the simplified method option should be removes from the text.
BARRY, Peter Joseph. Desempenho acústico em edificações: análise comparativa dos resultados das normas ISO 140 e ISO 10052. In: ENCONTRO SOBRAC – SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ACUSTICA,14., 2012, Belém. Anais….
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of impact sound pressure level measurements on floors (L ’nT,w), using the procedures of the ISO 140-7 and the ISO 1052 standards. The measured reverberation index (using ISO 140-7) and the corresponding tabular value (using ISO 10052) were compared and the effect on the performance parameter of any difference analyzed. In most of the cases studied, the simplified method tended to overestimate the acoustic performance in relation to the engineering method, this being the result of higher values of the standardized reverberation index than of the measured index. The reverberation index values the ISO 10052 are for buildings in Europe, obtained between 1960, and 1980, and apparently do not adequately represent the characteristics of typical buildings in Brazil. For a future revision of the NBR 15575, it is suggested either that further studies should be made to develop a more appropriate standardized reverberation index for building systems in Brazil or that the simplified method option should be removes from the text.
BARRY, Peter Joseph. Desempenho acústico em edificações: análise comparativa dos resultados das normas ISO 140 e ISO 10052. In: ENCONTRO SOBRAC – SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ACUSTICA,14., 2012, Belém. Anais….