This paper presents the results of research done by IPT, Eletropaulo and Engecorr about the effects of Interference current on metallic structures of transmission line foundations. These currents are generated mainly by impressed current cathodic protection systems and electrified railways. It is also discussed the input mechanism and flow of these currents on the electric transmission systems.
PANOSSIAN KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; ALMEIDA, N.L.; SIQUEIRA, F.J.S., MORY, M.K. Corrosão pelo solo e interferências elétricas em linhas de transmissão aéreas. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PROTEÇÃO CATÓDICA E CONTROLE DE INTERFERÊNCIA, 3., 1992, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1992. p. 23-32.
This paper presents the results of research done by IPT, Eletropaulo and Engecorr about the effects of Interference current on metallic structures of transmission line foundations. These currents are generated mainly by impressed current cathodic protection systems and electrified railways. It is also discussed the input mechanism and flow of these currents on the electric transmission systems.
PANOSSIAN KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; ALMEIDA, N.L.; SIQUEIRA, F.J.S., MORY, M.K. Corrosão pelo solo e interferências elétricas em linhas de transmissão aéreas. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PROTEÇÃO CATÓDICA E CONTROLE DE INTERFERÊNCIA, 3., 1992, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1992. p. 23-32.