PICANÇO, Jefferson; VIEIRA, Bianca Carvalho; MARTINS, Tiago Damas; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer; FACCURI, Gabriel; SILVA, Marcio. Debris-flow occurrence in granite landscape in south-southeast Brazil. In: KEAN, Jason W.; COE, Jeffrrey, SANTI, Paul M.; GUILLEN, Becca K. Debris-flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, monitoring, modeling and assessment. Colorado: Association of Environmental Engineering Geologists, 2019. p.645-652. (AEG Special Publication 28 ) (Trabalho apresentado no INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DRIVE-FLOW HAZARDS MITIGATION, 7., 2019, Golden, Colorado)
PICANÇO, Jefferson; VIEIRA, Bianca Carvalho; MARTINS, Tiago Damas; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer; FACCURI, Gabriel; SILVA, Marcio. Debris-flow occurrence in granite landscape in south-southeast Brazil. In: KEAN, Jason W.; COE, Jeffrrey, SANTI, Paul M.; GUILLEN, Becca K. Debris-flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, monitoring, modeling and assessment. Colorado: Association of Environmental Engineering Geologists, 2019. p.645-652. (AEG Special Publication 28 ) (Trabalho apresentado no INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DRIVE-FLOW HAZARDS MITIGATION, 7., 2019, Golden, Colorado)