The creation of “Research Center for Surface Treatment” Will contribute in techical assistance to manufactures and electrocoated material consumers especially in auto industry because in Brazil there is much scarcity of technical knowledge in electrodeposition, both in terms of teaching, literature as well as research. This center will also aim at the study of waste treatment in electrodeposition industry. This subject will receive a special attention because of the current concern about the ecology. This project has as its goal the construction of pilot plants (continuous and batch) of electrodeposition including a waste treatment plant. A teaching facility is also planned, including modern audiovisual resources and classrooms, for the training of college degree technicians, both Brazilians and other Latin-americans. It is expected thet the creation of this Center will greatly increase the independence from imported foreign technology.
KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; OHBA, M., SOUZA, E.F.M. Criação de um Centro de pesquisas em tratamento de superfície. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR SURFACE FINISHING, 1992, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABTS, 1992. v. 2, p. 1563-1578. (IPT Publicação 2113)
The creation of “Research Center for Surface Treatment” Will contribute in techical assistance to manufactures and electrocoated material consumers especially in auto industry because in Brazil there is much scarcity of technical knowledge in electrodeposition, both in terms of teaching, literature as well as research. This center will also aim at the study of waste treatment in electrodeposition industry. This subject will receive a special attention because of the current concern about the ecology. This project has as its goal the construction of pilot plants (continuous and batch) of electrodeposition including a waste treatment plant. A teaching facility is also planned, including modern audiovisual resources and classrooms, for the training of college degree technicians, both Brazilians and other Latin-americans. It is expected thet the creation of this Center will greatly increase the independence from imported foreign technology.
KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; OHBA, M., SOUZA, E.F.M. Criação de um Centro de pesquisas em tratamento de superfície. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR SURFACE FINISHING, 1992, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABTS, 1992. v. 2, p. 1563-1578. (IPT Publicação 2113)