Case histories of metal stress corrosion cracking in organic media are described. These cases were studied at the Laboratory for Corrosion and Surface Treatment of the Metallurgy Division of the Institute for Technological Research. One of the cases is deals with the cracking of prestressed steel bars used for anchoring bearing the floodgates of a hydroelectric power plant. This cracking was attributed to the action of an anti-corrosion coal-tar organic compound which was injected into some of hems in place of cement paste. Two other cases deal with the cracking of brass tubes of heat exchangers used for quenching in cooling oil. The oil was pointed as being responsible for the observed damages.
ADAM, Ana Maria M.; WOLYNEC, Stephan. Casos de corrosão sobtensão de metais em meios orgânicos. In: REUNIÓN LATINO-AMERICANA DE ELETROQUÍMICA, 1. La Plata (Argentina), 14-16 agosto. 1972. Resumenes de trabajos. La Plata, Secretaria Regional Del CITCE y Centro Argentino de Estudios de La Corrosión, 1972. p.252-7.
Case histories of metal stress corrosion cracking in organic media are described. These cases were studied at the Laboratory for Corrosion and Surface Treatment of the Metallurgy Division of the Institute for Technological Research. One of the cases is deals with the cracking of prestressed steel bars used for anchoring bearing the floodgates of a hydroelectric power plant. This cracking was attributed to the action of an anti-corrosion coal-tar organic compound which was injected into some of hems in place of cement paste. Two other cases deal with the cracking of brass tubes of heat exchangers used for quenching in cooling oil. The oil was pointed as being responsible for the observed damages.
ADAM, Ana Maria M.; WOLYNEC, Stephan. Casos de corrosão sobtensão de metais em meios orgânicos. In: REUNIÓN LATINO-AMERICANA DE ELETROQUÍMICA, 1. La Plata (Argentina), 14-16 agosto. 1972. Resumenes de trabajos. La Plata, Secretaria Regional Del CITCE y Centro Argentino de Estudios de La Corrosión, 1972. p.252-7.