Evaluation of empirical and numerical methods on the prediction of hydrodynamic loads involved in the passing ship problem


This article presents a brief description of a passing ship experiment conducted at the São Paulo Institute for Technological Research (IPT) and a study concerning three methods of estimation/calculation of the hydrodynamic loads on a captive ship forces moment induced by a passing ship advancing alongside with constant velocity and without drift angle. Results are presented comparing the experimental measurements with the predictions obtained by an empirical regression model, calculations obtained by a potential flow strip theory, that does not take into account the “exact” ship geometry (only the ship sectional area curve), and the ones provided by a three-dimensional boundary elements method (BEM) based on Rankine sources as Green function, which considers the geometry of the ship completely. The analyses were performed with ships of similar displacements (Suezmax hull forms), considering three speed velocities, five separation distances and two drafts for the passing ship in order to evaluate the effects of the ship in order to evaluate the of the effect of the ship going for and coming from on from an offloading operation.


WATAI, R.A.; RUGGERI, F. ; TANNURI, E.A. ; WEISS, James Manoel Guimarães . Evaluation of empirical and numerical methods on the prediction of hydrodynamic loads involved in the passing ship problem. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHIP MANOEUVRING IN SHALLOW AND CONFINED WATER, 3., 2013, Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings... 9 p

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