CFD modeling of a sugar-cane bagasse gasifier


Biomass gasification has promising applications because it allows sugar-cane bagasse and straw (among other biomasses) to be converted into syngas. The gas in turn can be used for energy generation or in the chemical industry. IPT completed thOe conceptual design of a gasification pilot plant that uses sugar cane bagasse. This work describes the mathematical modeling of the gasifier. It is a cylindrical entrained flow reactor inside which biomass is converted to hydrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide through incomplete combustion at high temperature (1500 ºC) and pressure (40 bar). A 2D axisymmetric mesh was used in commercial finite distance software FLUENT according to an EULER-LAGRANGE method to model gas-particle interaction. The pyrolysis sub-model used a generic molecule CxH2xOx to represent tar. For simplicity, the devolatilization model was single rate dependent. Tar and uncondesable gas combustion reaction kinetics was taken from literature, as well as char combustion and gasification rates. Biomass characterization was performed at IPT. A sensibility analysis was performed on this data to determine how crucial it was for final results. Different operating conditions with regards to oxygen mass flow, swirl index and particle size distribution were tested and flame temperature profile, energetic efficiency and particle tracks were analyzed.

SILVEIRA, João Ricardo Filipini da; ETT, Gerhard; CEKINSKI, Efraim; SOUZA, Francisco Domigues Alves de. CFD modeling of a sugar-cane bagasse gasifier. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING FOR WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, 5., 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 13 p.

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