Blue irradiance intercomparison in the medical field


This work presents the results of a blue irradiance intercomparison among industrial laboratories of medical devices companies. This intercomparison aims to support de metrological issues of medical equipment manufactures regarding the blue irradiance infant phototherapy equipment requirements on the international standard IEC 60601-2-50:2000. The results showed a low agreement of participants’ measurements according to normalized error criterion. The major explanation for this result is associated to an incorrect equipment choice and long recalibration period.

FERREIRA JR., Antonio Francisco Gentil. Blue irradiance intercomparison in the medical field. In: CONFERENCE INSTRUMENTATION METROLOGY, AND STANDARDS FOR NANOMANUFACTURING, OPTICS, AND SEMICONDUCTORS, 5., 2012, San Diego, California. Proceedings… Bellingham: SPIE, 2012. 7p.

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