In 1989, Brazil began its participation in the "Ibero-American Atmospheric Map of Atmospheric Corrosiveness – MICAT” project in which several metallic materials (carbon steel, copper, zinc and aluminum) were exposed in previously selected atmospheric corrosion test sites. Taking advantage of this project, which covered several Brazilian climates; weathering steels were also exposed along with other metallic materials tested in the MICAT project, aiming at comparatively studying their atmospheric corrosion performance. Four-year corrosion tests were conducted in ten Brazilian atmospheric sites. In this work, the results of the weight loss, the morphology and the composition of the corrosion product layer were presented and discussed.
KENNY, E.D.; GRYNGLAS, M.; CLARO, Z.M.P.T.; PINTO, J.A.Q.; SILVA, M.K.da; SILVA, J.R.A.; KONISHI, R.; WANDERLEY, V.G.; CAVALCANTI, E.H.de S.; MARCONDES, L.; PANOSSIAN, Z.; ABOUD, J.R.; ARAÚJO, M.M.de; FRAGATA, F.de L.; ALMEIDA, M.J.B.S.de. Corrosão atmosférica do aço patinável em atmosferas brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 18., 1995, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO. 1995. v. 1, p. 1-16.
ARAÚJO, M.M.de; PANOSSIAN, Z.; PINTO, J.A.Q. Corrosão atmosférica do aço patinável em atmosferas brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CORROSIÓN Y PROECCIÓN, 5., 1995, Tenerife. Libro de Résumenes… 1995. p. 101
In 1989, Brazil began its participation in the "Ibero-American Atmospheric Map of Atmospheric Corrosiveness – MICAT” project in which several metallic materials (carbon steel, copper, zinc and aluminum) were exposed in previously selected atmospheric corrosion test sites. Taking advantage of this project, which covered several Brazilian climates; weathering steels were also exposed along with other metallic materials tested in the MICAT project, aiming at comparatively studying their atmospheric corrosion performance. Four-year corrosion tests were conducted in ten Brazilian atmospheric sites. In this work, the results of the weight loss, the morphology and the composition of the corrosion product layer were presented and discussed.
KENNY, E.D.; GRYNGLAS, M.; CLARO, Z.M.P.T.; PINTO, J.A.Q.; SILVA, M.K.da; SILVA, J.R.A.; KONISHI, R.; WANDERLEY, V.G.; CAVALCANTI, E.H.de S.; MARCONDES, L.; PANOSSIAN, Z.; ABOUD, J.R.; ARAÚJO, M.M.de; FRAGATA, F.de L.; ALMEIDA, M.J.B.S.de. Corrosão atmosférica do aço patinável em atmosferas brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 18., 1995, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO. 1995. v. 1, p. 1-16.
ARAÚJO, M.M.de; PANOSSIAN, Z.; PINTO, J.A.Q. Corrosão atmosférica do aço patinável em atmosferas brasileiras. In: CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CORROSIÓN Y PROECCIÓN, 5., 1995, Tenerife. Libro de Résumenes… 1995. p. 101