Watts nickel plating; part VI: nickel anodes


This work deals with the nickel anodes used in Watts type nickel baths. First, the nickel Pourbaix diagram is presented and then the dissolution mechanisms of nickel anodes are discussed through theoretical anodic using polarization curves. The problems that the passivation of nickel anodes cause to the nickel electrodeposition processes are also presented and discussed. Finally, a detailed description is given for the four types of nickel anodes available on the international market, namely: depolarized anodes; carburized anodes; normal electrolytic anodes and sulfurized electrolytic anodes.

PANOSSIAN, Z. Banho de níquel tipo Watts; parte 6: anodos de níquel.  Tratamento de Superfície, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 79, p. 25-26, 28-31, set./out., 1996. (V-XI)

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