Evaluation of the conservation state of overhead conductors of electric power transmission lines after 52 years in operation


Aluminum cables, carbon steel reinforced are commonly used as overhead conductors of electric power transmission due to the following advantages: low cost (when compared with copper cables), good electrical conductivity and good performance against corrosion of aluminum and good mechanical strength offered by carbon steel. However these cables can be failed by the different efforts to which they are submitted and different exposure atmospheres considering the long time of exposition (more than 50 years). The Corrosion and Surface Treatment Laboratory of IPT has been carried out a study for the electrical power transmission companies named “Evaluation of the conservation of overhead conductors of electric power transmission of São Paulo State”, during two years. In this paper, some of the results of this study will be presented.

OHBA, M.; ALMEIDA, N. L.; SIQUEIRA, F. J. Evaluation of the conservation state of overhead conductors of electric power transmission lines after 52 years in operation. NACE BRASIL, IPT. In: COLÓQUIO NACIONAL DE CORROSÃO ATMOSFÉRICA, 3. 1999, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: NACE/IPT/ABRACO, 1999. p. 185-196.

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