Eco-efficiency in street lightings services


Urban public service managers gradually learn to incorporate urban sustainability as an element of their decisions. An element of the current moment is The 2030 Climate Agenda with its objective 11: making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. However, there are few analytical tools to support the decision of public agents. The paper will present a proposal for applying the concept of eco-efficiency in the management of public street lighting services and will demonstrate its feasibility as a model for decision making in the sector. To propose an analytical model that allows decisions on the renewal of public lighting infrastructure to ensure greater eco-efficiency in the transition to innovative technologies, in order to mitigate the environmental impacts and their cost of installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique and the GHG Protocol tool were used to evaluate the environmental dimension of eco-efficiency. The Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCC) technique and the tools of Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Payback were used to evaluate the economic dimension of eco-efficiency. This led to a measure of eco-efficiency associated with different solutions presented to the public manager. The model was tested to compare solutions for public lighting in the city of São Paulo. An Analysis Model was developed to evaluate in an integrated way the economic and environmental performance (ecoefficiency) of products and installations for Public Lighting services.

SANCHEZ JUNIOR, Oswaldo. Eco-efficiency in street lightings services. In: BIENAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOBALANCEM 13., 2018. Tokyo. Proceedings… 22 p

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