In recent decades, the solar-grade silicon (~99.9999% purity) has become an important material due to its application in the construction of photovoltaic cells. The brittle behavior of silicon at room temperature difficult to obtain convenient shapes for subsequent processing steps. This study aims to analyze the fracture of silicon ingots occurred during the continuous casting process after melting in electron beam furnace. The analysis of silicon obtained in the continuous casting showed the occurrence of fracture cleavage. The fracture observed after casting starter silicon occurred in the same region of the ingot obtained in continuous casting, indicating that the force applied to extract the silicon during the continuous casting does not cause the fracture, which therefore results from thermal stresses during solidification and subsequent cooling. Mathematical modeling by the finite element method of heat transfer combined with the formation of thermal stresses showed that thermal stresses resulting from the cooling process after solidification could be sufficient to cause fractures observed.
LIMA, Virginia Cruz Rangel Albuquerque e; LOTTO, André Alexandrino. Análise da fratura e das tensões térmicas no lingotamento de silício. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, INTERNACIONAL, 69., 2014, São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos… São Paulo: ABM, 2014. 12 p.
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In recent decades, the solar-grade silicon (~99.9999% purity) has become an important material due to its application in the construction of photovoltaic cells. The brittle behavior of silicon at room temperature difficult to obtain convenient shapes for subsequent processing steps. This study aims to analyze the fracture of silicon ingots occurred during the continuous casting process after melting in electron beam furnace. The analysis of silicon obtained in the continuous casting showed the occurrence of fracture cleavage. The fracture observed after casting starter silicon occurred in the same region of the ingot obtained in continuous casting, indicating that the force applied to extract the silicon during the continuous casting does not cause the fracture, which therefore results from thermal stresses during solidification and subsequent cooling. Mathematical modeling by the finite element method of heat transfer combined with the formation of thermal stresses showed that thermal stresses resulting from the cooling process after solidification could be sufficient to cause fractures observed.
LIMA, Virginia Cruz Rangel Albuquerque e; LOTTO, André Alexandrino. Análise da fratura e das tensões térmicas no lingotamento de silício. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, INTERNACIONAL, 69., 2014, São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos… São Paulo: ABM, 2014. 12 p.
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