The corrosion is recognize today as the more importante pathological problem of reinforced concrete structures. This paper describes the experiences obtained during two inspection’s studies, where corrosion rate (icorr) was measured with the application of the Gecor6 equipment. In first case was evaluated a beam structure, whereas precast column concrete at São Paulo’s electrical substation were studied in second case. The results of this studies show news considerations in the used of inspection methodology of rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structure, with special emphasis, at the moment and place where reading of icorr will realizing, due to the relationship of the icorr with corrosion potetintial (Ecorr) and concrete resistivity (ῤ) and the exposure conditions during inspection.
BRITO,N.E.D,PANOSSIAN Z,HELENE, P.R.L Algunas consideraciones durante La inspección de estructuras de hormigón armado con corrosión de armaduras.In: NACE LATIN AMERICAN REGION CORROSION CONGRESS, 3., 1998, Cancun. Proceedings… Cancun: NACE, 1998. p. 1-13. (CD-ROM) (IPT Publicação, 2572)
The corrosion is recognize today as the more importante pathological problem of reinforced concrete structures. This paper describes the experiences obtained during two inspection’s studies, where corrosion rate (icorr) was measured with the application of the Gecor6 equipment. In first case was evaluated a beam structure, whereas precast column concrete at São Paulo’s electrical substation were studied in second case. The results of this studies show news considerations in the used of inspection methodology of rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structure, with special emphasis, at the moment and place where reading of icorr will realizing, due to the relationship of the icorr with corrosion potetintial (Ecorr) and concrete resistivity (ῤ) and the exposure conditions during inspection.
BRITO,N.E.D,PANOSSIAN Z,HELENE, P.R.L Algunas consideraciones durante La inspección de estructuras de hormigón armado con corrosión de armaduras.In: NACE LATIN AMERICAN REGION CORROSION CONGRESS, 3., 1998, Cancun. Proceedings… Cancun: NACE, 1998. p. 1-13. (CD-ROM) (IPT Publicação, 2572)