A segurança contra incêndio no ambiente construído informal: uma proposta de intervenção que reduz a vulnerabilidade em relação ao risco de incêndio em favelas


Slums arise as a result of super urbanization and industrialization movements which act as their propellant. In this sense, the role of these communities is not marginal to the urban economy, on the contrary, it is fundamental, they are the ones which subsidize and guarantee the existence of production processes as we know today. The economy cannot work or be competitive without the contribution of these settlements, since they include both the cheap labor used as well as the "industrial reserve army", which guarantees the undervaluation of these workers. The approaches of public policies seem to ignore the situation of permanence of slums, coming from the economic environment, and ignore the solutions that, in fact, could bring about real improvements in the living conditions of these people, especially with regard to fire safety, a recurring problem that intensifies during the colder seasons. As a solution to this problem the Technological Research Institute of São Paulo – IPT developed the fire safety program in slums, established in 2003 in São Paulo, which proved to be feasible to reduce vulnerability and avoid these events through awareness and training of residents.

ALVES, Luciana Aparecida. A segurança contra incêndio no ambiente construído informal: uma proposta de intervenção que reduz a vulnerabilidade em relação ao risco de incêndio em favelas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Desafios e perspectivas da internacionalização da construção, 16., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2016. p. 5081-5091.

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