
Metallurgical grade silicon was melted and directionally solidified in transient conditions by extracting heat from the base of a cylindrical ingot and inserting heat at the ingot top. A heat-transfer mathematical model was implemented to predict the solidification velocity and temperature gradient using cooling curves measured directly in the silicon melt. Nearly 70% of the resulting ingot displays a region of columnar grains aligned with the ingot axis. In this region, the concentration of metallic impurities is usually below the quantification limit of the analytical technique and intermetallic particles are absent, strongly indicating significant purification. The transition from the purified region of the ingot to the ingot top, where impurity concentrations increase and intermetallic particles are seen, is consistent with a change of the solid-liquid interface morphology from planar to cellular/dendritic, as similarly reported in the literature and as indicated by a preliminary analysis with the constitutional undercooling criterion

LIMA, Moysés Leite de; MATORANO, Marcelo Aquino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista. Macrosegregation of impurities in a metallurgical silicon ingot after transient directional solidification. Materials Research, jun., 2017. (DOI:

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