Methodological proposal for the analysis of the social insertion in Una River Watershed in Ibiúna/SP


Social indicators are important mechanisms for communicate information and providing solid bases about the human being life quality. In this study, a Social Insertion Indicator (SII) was developed that integrated social information present in the demographic census of the Una River Watershed (SP), using, in its calculation, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assess the variable components of the indicator and geoprocessing techniques to spatialize the SII values. SII ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 represents the condition with the best quality of life. When analyzing the Una River Watershed, it was verified that there were no SII values above 0.50, which could be considered as regular to good. Approximately 49.4% of the study area presented SII values classified as poor and lower than 0.25. This fact may be associated with the municipality’s vocation in agricultural production and in the absence of more specialized services that offer a higher income possibility, but require a higher degree, justified by the low income and the high illiteracy rate in the area of study that presented poor values. Through the information gathered it can be concluded that SII can serve as an important tool for decision-making by public managers and those interested in this issue.

SILVA, Darllan Collins da Cunha e; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; OLIVEIRA, Renan Angrizani; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Proposta metodológica para análise de inserção social nas Bacias Hidrográfica do Rio Uma em Ibiúna, SP. Revista do Departamento de Geografia, v.33, p.74-84, 2017.

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