Reviewing concepts: crevice corrosion; part 2


Crevice corrosion is one of the most common and less recognized forms of attack on metals. This type of localized corrosion is a problem that usually involves passive metal sand therefore relatively corrosion-resistant materials, for example, stainless steels, titanium and aluminum. For this reason, crevice corrosion is often ignored, leading to premature failure of structures and equipment, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. This type of corrosion occurs also with less corrosion resistant alloys exposed to highly oxidizing or passivating environments. In all cases, the occurrence of this problem is confined to very narrow gaps (crevices) which are formed when using gaskets, bolts and washers. Narrow gaps are also present in lap joints and beneath surface deposits, such sand, porous corrosion products, barnacles and other surface heterogeneities such as cracks, spray welding and other metallurgical defects. To explore this subject more largely, three papers of literature review will be presented covering the following topics: I. Definition, causes and mechanisms; II. Influencing factors on the resistance to crevice corrosion; III. Prevention, control and techniques for measuring the tendency for crevice corrosion. This paper presents the main influencing factors for crevice corrosion.

PECEQUILO, Cristiane Vargas; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Revisando conceitos: corrosão em frestas, parte 2. Corrosão e Proteção, Ano 10, n. 48, p.20-28, mar.-abr., 2013.

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