This study aims to identify indicators to assess the environmental benefits associated with the energy use of biogas in cassava starch factories, which is considered a use eco-innovation. This work was a set of environmental indicators, based on the methodology of sustainability reports of the international Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which could be applied to the relevant technology to measure its environmental benefits. A total of thirty indicators GRI protocol, eight were selected, ie, twenty six percent of the indicators of the protocol will fulfill this evaluation process. Usually these indicators are used to provide support for sustainability reporting, here shown the possibility of application in the evaluation of a specific technology.
GUIMARÃES, Celso Eduardo; TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá; CUNICO, Eliana. Seleção de indicadores para avaliação de desempenho ambiental de uma ecoinovação: o caso do aproveitamento de biogás em lagoas de tratamento de resíduos da produção de fécula de mandioca. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO DE PROJETOS, 2., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: SINGEP, 2013.
This study aims to identify indicators to assess the environmental benefits associated with the energy use of biogas in cassava starch factories, which is considered a use eco-innovation. This work was a set of environmental indicators, based on the methodology of sustainability reports of the international Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which could be applied to the relevant technology to measure its environmental benefits. A total of thirty indicators GRI protocol, eight were selected, ie, twenty six percent of the indicators of the protocol will fulfill this evaluation process. Usually these indicators are used to provide support for sustainability reporting, here shown the possibility of application in the evaluation of a specific technology.
GUIMARÃES, Celso Eduardo; TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá; CUNICO, Eliana. Seleção de indicadores para avaliação de desempenho ambiental de uma ecoinovação: o caso do aproveitamento de biogás em lagoas de tratamento de resíduos da produção de fécula de mandioca. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO DE PROJETOS, 2., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: SINGEP, 2013.