Testes simples de traçadores para aplicação em áreas contaminadas


The present study aims to analyze the interaction behavior of dyes and soils in the investigation of contaminated sites, to: characterize the behavior of the aquifer; determine the groundwater flow velocities; and to study the behavior of subsurface contaminants. How to choose tracers? How to establish the arrangement of laboratory and field tests? At present, the test is a type of technique with a series of characterization of the hydrogeological system, requiring an alert of the type of error, such as dye loss, for example. It can be observed that this type of tool is less used in the investigation of contaminated areas, however, the results can help in more reliable conceptual model, as well as the calibration of the computational models of transport and fate of contaminants.

BAILE, Murilo Balle; FERREIRA, Otávio Barbosa; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; TAVARES, Tatiana Luiz dos Santos; GUIMARÃES, Camila Camolesi; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos. Testes simples de traçadores para aplicação em áreas contaminadas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais…São Paulo: ABGE, 2018. 9p.

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