Validation of a simple dynamical structural model for hydrodynamic loads


Because of its location at the Madeira River, north of Brazil, a natural phenomenon threatens the integrity and normal operation of an on-site hydroelectric power plant; hence, assemblies of containment grids named log booms were placed across the river to protect the power plant installations. A numerical tool based on a nonlinear finite element formulation was developed to forecast the dynamical and structural behavior of the assemblies, and initially only the hydrodynamic loads were considered, while there are plans to incorporate the influence of the debris. A previous work performed the verification and validation procedures for the tool, which indicated satisfactory convergence rates with mesh refinement as well as satisfactory agreement with experiments in a 1:10 scale model. However, as the initial condition of the method needed improvement, a new formulation for it was proposed; the tool was later validated against the results a commercial tool named SIMPACK®: the results of both methods agree well, corroborating a successful convergence toward the acknowledged correct solution, with the relative differences being no higher than 8% for all the cases.

CHREIM, José Rodolfo; LIMA, Bruna de Macedo; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. Validation of a simple dynamical structural model for hydrodynamic loads. In: CONGRESSO INTERNATIONAL DE TRANSPORTE AQUAVIÁRIO, CONSTRUÇÃO NAVAL E OFFSHORE, 27., 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 8 p.

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