Environmental services and disservices associated with urban and periurban agriculture in the city of São Paulo


This paper presents the urban and environmental challenges of the Lageado river watershed in Itaim Paulista, east of São Paulo. It is a highly urbanized area with medium and low standard buildings and precarious settlements in risky areas. Many flooding points are concentrated in the watershed outflow. Based on the climate action policy of the city of São Paulo, we discuss the potential of hydrological modeling for a local action within the activities of the Lab Itaim Paulista – Laboratory of Urban Policy and Local Planning at University São Judas Tadeu.

KOURYA, Ana Paula; FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; YOSHIKAWA, Nestor Kenji; FERNANDES, Janilson O.; PIMENTEL, Rafael S.; FIRMINO, Mari Anna C.; CORREIA, Pedro H. H. Os desafios urbanos e ambientais da Microbacia do Lageado no Itaim. Journal of Urban Technology and Sustainability, v.4, 7 p, 2021.

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