Measurement system for calibrating instruments up to 9mn (book chapter)


The growing development of test machines and large force measuring instruments (capacities greater than 2 MN), seeking to serve the national industry, brings the demand for laboratories accredited by the Brazilian Calibration Network (RBC) to calibrate these equipments, so that metrological reliability and traceability are obtained. Calibration laboratories accredited by RBC to force are currently only capable of measuring/calibrating up to 2 MN, including the Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo (IPT), but laboratories of the institute itself have equipment with capacities above this value that they need of traceability. This work aims to present the project SMC9MN, developed by IPT, of a measurement system to meet the requirements to obtain accreditation by the General Coordination of Inmetro Accreditation (Cgcre) for calibration of force measuring instruments up to 9 MN, complying with ISO 376.

MOURA, Frank Omena de; FABRICIO JUNIOR, Carlos Alberto. Sistema de medição para calibração de instrumentos até 9MN. In: HOLZMANN, Henrique Ajuz; DALLAMUTA, João(Orgs.) Resultados das pesquisas e inovações na área das engenharias 2 [ livro eletrônico]. Ponta Grossa: Atena,2020. Cap.11,p.120-123.

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