Brazilian natural disasters integrated into cyber-physical systems: computational challenges for landslides and floods in urban ecosystems


Natural disasters cause a high impact in society, resulting in human and economic losses, so much so that increasing the efficiency in monitoring these phenomena becomes a necessity. The integration of cyber-physical systems and their IoT devices, connectivity, machine learning, and Big Data can help to achieve this efficiency. This paper presents key points of the phenomenology of these processes, with challenges and opportunities for applied computing in urban environmental studies in Brazil, as well as investigates studies and techniques that have been used to monitor landslides and floods.

SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; TEIXEIRA, Igor Cunha; GAVA, Vagner Luiz; FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; AZEVEDO, Caio da S.; LIMA, Kelly T.B. de., BRAGHETO, Kelly R. Brazilian natural disasters integrated into cyber-physical systems: computational challenges for landslides and floods in urban ecosystems. In: IEEE INTERNATIONAL SMART CITIES CONFERENCE: SMART CITIES SOLUTIONS FOR NEW CHALLENGES, INCLUDING A PANDEMIC, 2020, Canadá. [on-line]. Proceedings… [on line] 8 p.

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