A experiência da CT-13 Comissão Técnica de Vazão no Desenvolvimento de Comparações Interlaboratoriais


This paper presents the experience of the CT-13, an advisory technical committee to Cgcre in the accreditation activities of conformity assessment bodies, in the development of proficiency testing activities in the field of fluid flow metrology. The objective of this paper is to present to the metrological community the methodology applied by this committee, the interlaboratory comparisons developed, the programs in progress and the lessons learned so far.

KAWAKITA, Kazuto; SOARES, Mauricio de Araujo; MANOSSO, Helena Cristina. A experiência da CT-13 Comissão Técnica de Vazão no Desenvolvimento de Comparações InterlabORATORIAS. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 8., 2015, Bento Gonçalves. Anais… 4p.

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