The study aimed to describe the environmental modeling by evaluating the morphometric and pedological parameters of the river basin of the Una river, in the southeast of Brazil, using geoprocessing techniques in a GIS environment.The evaluation of the hydrological and morphometric parameters were determined from processing routines in the Surface, Hydrology and Integrated Water Management modules. The pedological parameters of texture and organic matter were evaluated by the pipette and combustion method. The basin extends over 96km², with irregular and elongated shape, not subject to flooding, average altitude of 937 meters and maximum elevation of 1175 meters. The relief is strongly undulating, with an average slope of 18%. The soils present a tendency to sandy texture and less silt and organic matter between 10 to 60%.
LOPES, Elfany Reis do Nascimento; SOUZA, José Carlos de; SOUSA, Jocy Ana Paixão de; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO; José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Modelagem ambiental de bacias hidrográficas: caracterização morfométrica e pedológica da bacia do Rio Una – Ibiúna, Brasil. Geosul, v.33, n.66, p.105-127, 2018.
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The study aimed to describe the environmental modeling by evaluating the morphometric and pedological parameters of the river basin of the Una river, in the southeast of Brazil, using geoprocessing techniques in a GIS environment.The evaluation of the hydrological and morphometric parameters were determined from processing routines in the Surface, Hydrology and Integrated Water Management modules. The pedological parameters of texture and organic matter were evaluated by the pipette and combustion method. The basin extends over 96km², with irregular and elongated shape, not subject to flooding, average altitude of 937 meters and maximum elevation of 1175 meters. The relief is strongly undulating, with an average slope of 18%. The soils present a tendency to sandy texture and less silt and organic matter between 10 to 60%.
LOPES, Elfany Reis do Nascimento; SOUZA, José Carlos de; SOUSA, Jocy Ana Paixão de; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO; José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Modelagem ambiental de bacias hidrográficas: caracterização morfométrica e pedológica da bacia do Rio Una – Ibiúna, Brasil. Geosul, v.33, n.66, p.105-127, 2018.
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