Thermal power plant environmental eco-efficiency: a proposal for how to measure

The aim of this study was to evaluate the valuation of bottom ash from the coal combustion in power plants as an alternative raw material in replacement industrial sand in the production of ceramic materials and the replacement of clinker in cement production Portland, as one ecoefficiency approach for power plants. The evaluation was conducted according to ISO 14045 standard that guides the environmental impacts should be evaluated using LCA. The research used the recipe method endpoint single score for the calculation of environmental impacts and was evaluated using the SimaPro 8.0 software. The results showed that the relative ecoefficiency of the generation of bottom ash for use in the ceramic industry compared with the generation of ash by thermal disposed in ponds, eco-efficiency thermoelectric would increase from 0.2% down to 0.97% higher. Eco-efficiency on the generation of bottom ash for use in the cement industry compared with the generation of ash by thermal disposed in ponds, ecoefficiency thermoelectric go from 1% down to values ranging from 2.4% to 11.5%. Therefore, the use of bottom ash as an alternative raw material can improve the eco-efficiency of thermal power plants.

SANTOS, Mario Roberto dos; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; KNIESS, Cláudia Terezinha. Ecoeficiência ambiental de empresas termelétricas : uma proposta de como medir. In: ENCONTRO INTERNATIONAL SOBRE GESTÃO EMPRESARIAL E MEIO AMBIENTE, 17., 2015, São Paulo. Anais…

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