Proposta de estudo de técnicas não destrutivas para determinação do teor de umidade interna do concreto


The durability of concrete structures is closely related to the physico-mechanical properties of this composite. One of the main parameters related to the durability of concrete is the moisture contente, however, its evaluation on field is unusual and often impracticable, since the methods usually adopted for its determination are of restricted use to the laboratory environment, as the case of densitometry and the gravimetric method by mass recording of test specimens. In the international scenario, it has recently been found that these methods of moisture content determination have been associated with nondestructive tests (NDTs) for evaluating the quality of concrete, such as the determination of the moisture content by microwave emitter equipment. The presente work brings togheter the rechniques used to evaluate the internal moisture contente of the concrete in the current scenario and, through the use of nondestructive techniques, proposes an experimental program for laboratory scale study to provide important information about the effectiveness of the microwave emitter associated to the determination of the electrical resistivity for the evaluation of the moisture of concretes of different compositions submitted to varied conditions of humidification.

NASCIMENTO, Lucas Clementino do; ARAUJO, Adriana de; OLIVEIRA, Kléber Jesus; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo. Proposta de estudo de técnicas não destrutivas para determinação do teor de umidade interna do concreto. In: INTERNATIONAL CORROSION MEETING, INTERCOOR, 7., 2018, São Paulo. Proceedings… São Paulo: ABRACO, 2018. 13p.

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