Measurement of time delay effect on wood moisture content determination


Wood is a hygroscopic material, which interacts with environment until reach the equilibrium moisture content. The testing procedure defined by Brazilian, American and European Standard is similar if oven-dry method is considered. However, the sample parameters like size, shape and weight are different. This paper analyzes the effect of elapsed time delay in the moisture content result. It was used Brazilian native wood “Cambuí-sucupira” (Enterolobium schomburgkii, Leguminosae) and North America Native wood “Pinus” (Pinus sp., Pinaceae). Each sample was separated in two groups. The group defined as “without desiccator” group (weighted immediately after removing from drying oven, and in regular intervals until 30.0 minutes) and “with desiccator” group (after 60 minutes in room temperature). The results showed that statistically the moisture content from “without desiccator” group at time 0.0 is equivalent to “with desiccator” group. The moisture content is affected by the wood density: low density samples are more sensible to moisture absorption. Sampling quantity and the material density affects the results.


SOUZA, Cassiano Oliveira de; MACENA, Suelem Maurício Fontes; SILVA, Amanda de Sousa; MIRANDA, Maria José de Andrade Casimiro; YOJO, Takashi. Efeito do atraso de medição para determinação do teor de umidade na madeira. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO EM MADEIRAS E EM ESTRUTURAS DE MADEIRA, 15., 2016, Curitiba. Anais… 9 p.

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