Considerations relating to wind loads adequate to the Brazilian context in the facade and window water testing


This article presents suggestions for a discussion about the change in the test method and the criterion for the evaluation and classification of facades, doors and windows in Brazil, in relation to the water tightness requirement of ABNT NBR 10821 (2017) to the actual requests for use, considering as references the standards ABNT NBR 15575 (2013), ABNT NBR 6123 (1988) and UNI EN 12208 (2001). In this way, test pressure values average 60 Pa, higher than those prescribed in ABNT NBR 10821 (2017), are indicated but with greater detail, considering mainly the region where the building is inserted, the project lifetime and the height of use of the product. In the same way, test pressure values are presented which exceed by more than twice and values below the value presented in the current standard. It is also proposed to change the criterion of product evaluation and performance classification in “Minimum”, “Intermediate” and “Superior”, correlating it to the project lifetime of the product. This can contribute to a clearer identification between the different products with different performances that are offered in the market, because by the criterion of the current standard, the test result of a good quality window is equal to that of an excellent quality window, placing a performance threshold that does not stimulate the production of better and differentiated products.

BARREIROS, Thiago Salaberga. AKUTSU, Maria. Considerações sobre cargas de vento adequadas ao contexto brasileiro no ensaio de estanqueidade à água de esquadrias. In: CONGRESSO LATINO AMERICANO DE ENGENHARIA DO VENTO, 3., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 5 p.

BARREIROS, Thiago Salaberga. AKUTSU, Maria. Considerações sobre cargas de vento adequadas ao contexto brasileiro no ensaio de estanqueidade à água de esquadrias. Revista IPT Tecnologia e Inovação, v. 2, n. 10, p. 62-69, 2019

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